Art Center of Burlington

Planned Giving

Legacy contribution through Estate planning

We are excited about our mission to make Burlington a vibrant Art Community and we are even more excited that you are considering joining us on our mission as you plan your estate! We can go much further together than we can alone.

There are several ways that you can join us and below are a few examples. We recommend that you print this sheet or forward to your financial advisor or attorney to join us with the option that best suits your wishes.

Art makes your community a better place and we thank you for your confidence in our mission.

  • Gifts by Will
  • Beneficiary designations
  • Gifts from retirement plans
  • Automatic donations


Tax information:
Art Center of Burlington
dba Art Guild of Burlington
Tax ID 42-0932843
301 Jefferson Street
Burlington IA 52601
Established 1966

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Sunday + Monday: Closed
Tues - Thurs: 10am - 6pm
Friday/Saturday: 10am - 4pm

301 Jefferson Street
Burlington, Iowa 52601

Copyright by The Art Center of Burlington, 2025. Website design & hosting by Jolin Media